Monday, April 15, 2013


"It's not the strongest of the species that survives, nor is it the most intelligent that survives, it is the one that is most adaptable to change." -- Aimee Mullins, paraphrasing Charles Darwin

How have you recently been able to go along with life's unpredictable changes? What is your evolutionary success story?

This month I am exploring the theme of human adaptability -- our ability to change along with life's twists and turns. Please join us at my workshop on adaptability on Thursday, April 25 at 7 pm. For more information visit my website:

Monday, March 25, 2013


During moments of vulnerability, our raw, un-edited self shows through. At that time we can't help but allow others to see us. Do you enjoy seeing it in others? Do you mind when others can see it in you?

Our vulnerable self is something we normally try to hide.
Yet, when it breaks through, this essence is disarmingly beautiful. Like the natural beauty of naked body. It touches people in real and lasting ways. What is real inside people is so precious, it could never be imitated. 

My March newsletter focuses on the theme of vulnerability. Also, check my website for my upcoming workshop on vulnerability: 


Thursday, February 28, 2013


Next month I'll be exploring issues of vulnerability and the breaking open of our hearts. On this note, I am reminded of a famous quote from the poet Rumi:
"Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free."

In its simplest form, Rumi is suggesting we live life fully, emotionally, in openness. To try our best not to close up and shut down. Dancing and any kind of movement or breathing can do just that. As a teacher of mine shared, right during the catastrophe of 911, "I want to be present for this."

Additionally, poetry, especially by Rumi, satisfies the soul. It evokes in words what cannot be expressed in rational terms. Sometimes the cavern of the heart can only be comprehended in this way. And yet, In our vulnerability, sometimes  we are with out words. That is fine!  

Would you write a poem from the place where your  heart is tender and opened?  If you wish, please share it on this blog. Your words may touch someone deeply.  I too, would enjoy reading it.

Please visit my website for information about upcoming workshops on vulnerability: 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Animals and Trauma

Do you have any negative and/or difficult experiences associated with animals? You are not alone. It is not always easy to discuss these experiences in a world where there is a lot of controversy around people and their pets, use of parks for dogs, dog on beaches, etc. It is safe here. It is OK to love pets and OK not to love them! 
In fact, many clients discuss  with me frightening childhood experiences they have had with animals. For some it  has left a deep imprint. For those in shifting this--It is possible  to work through those reactions to animals. With conscious patience, time and practice, many people do.  For instance, some spend time with a photo or video of a particular animal, to desensitize reactions and retrain the mind and emotions. It is a simple place to start. And it can open up at least an ease around them.
Some people who choose to loosen up their trauma around certain animals spend time witnessing that animal live from a safe distance ( in your car or with a trusted partner).  The goal here is not to change something that you do not want to but to consider how you really feel about the animal(s) in question, the place it/they have in your life and if you want to do anything about it.  Please let us know.  Animals are everywhere and are a part of the world we live in.

Look for my upcoming February newsletter which explores pets and the many human issues associated with animals. See my website at

Friday, January 11, 2013

What Character Does WORK Play in Your Life?

Visualize what character your work plays in your life. If you can, sketch it out with a pen or pencil on a piece of scrap paper. Or, find an image in a magazine or on the web that strikes your imagination. Does your work look like a scary tyrant looming over you with a huge club? Is it a needy child with a running nose, always clutching at you and demanding your undivided attention? Or, are you one of the lucky ones for whom work is a gorgeous, passionate lover. Do you excitedly wait for every rendezvous? Or is it just a colorless stranger to you -- a character you deal with in only a limited, perfunctory way. Perhaps it is an old friend with whom you share a rich and grounded understanding. Get to know this character in your life....see what it looks like and just what your relationship to it is.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Stretching Past the Holiday Comfort Zone

This month we are exploring the topic of “Stretching beyond Your Comfort Zones.” Here is a great story about such a stretch: 

Last year a person I worked with told me about when she stretched past her comfort zone during the holidays. She had been invited by a friend to a Kwanzaa celebration in Hyannis. This is an African-American holiday tradition she knew little about, however was curious and eager to explore. Knowing very few people at the celebration, and still less about the tradition, my friend pushed past her comfort zone to show up at the event. She could have stayed home for a boring, lonely evening in front of the TV. Or, she could expand her world by meeting new people and learning about a different cultural tradition. Luckily, she chose the latter! I think we can all relate to moments like that…..

She was delighted to find the celebration brimming with loving, friendly people who welcomed her with open arms. She made new friends and connections, and even shared with the group during part of the celebration. My friend came home feeling expanded and proud….what a great feeling it is to explore something new and meet new people. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Chronic Conditions – When Things Won’t Go Away

Chronic conditions challenge just about everything about us. Our basic emotional states, our relationships, our ability to function, and most of all, our basic idea of who we are in the world.

Do you have any chronic conditions? If so, what stories do they tell and which ones are you willing to share?

What emotional landscapes have been presented? 

How is your self-portrait changing? 

Please share your experience! It helps others.